Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Wendy Doniger: Psychoanalysis of ISRO

Retro is the new black. PC: Google
I have written a lot on Hindus and exposed them as probably the most violent cult in the world. Currently I am working on my new book, How Hitler was inspired by Ramayana, and it will make its debut in fall 2017. I would like to use this article to seek your inputs on other topics on Hinduism you would like me to write on. My assistants take a long time to read and translate the Sanskrit texts and it will help me a great deal if you can send your ideas in. But I am not writing to you about my next book or complaining about my lazy assistants. I want to talk about the new Hindu mind set.

This year has been particularly disturbing for the liberal minded Indians. India’s space agency has sent too many satellites into space. Now we all know how a satellite launch causes millions of tonnes of carbon emission in both earth’s atmosphere and in the outer space. It is harmful to both life on earth and that in the outer space. Also the act of moving the satellite to its launch site causes a lot of noise pollution, which aggravates the harmful impact of carbon emission. The take-off is so deafening that it can almost kill many small animals in the vicinity. We all know these facts, but I am digressing by reiterating them.

The most harmful impact of ISRO’s launch programme is on the Indian society. Every single launch by ISRO propagates patriarchy and Hindu beliefs. Are you surprised? Read on to know how. It is so blatantly evident that it is almost hidden in plain sight. One doesn’t have to be a Robert Langdon to see this. The first thing that comes to mind it the shape of the launch vehicle. It is conveniently shaped like a phallus to assert male dominance over the Indian society. Since phallus worship is an ancient ritual in the Hindu cult, it gives legitimacy to the cult and propagates its patriarchal mind set. A good question for the so called space scientists of ISRO would be, “Why can’t you design a launch vehicle that is less aggressive”? Perhaps in the shape of a puppy or a kitten. The phallus shaped launch vehicle is clearly an attempt to silence the Indian feminists and appease the Indian men.

See the Phallus and the outstretched arms
Coming to the propagation of Hindu cult beliefs. I would like to point to the contraption that is used to keep the phallus erect during its performance. The agency again, very conveniently, places the cranes around the launch vehicle in such a manner that it appears like Kali, the goddess of death. With all her arms spread out and spitting fire. The psychoanalysis of ISRO reveals that this arrangement of phallus like launch vehicle and Kali like contraption is the manifestation of the sick Hindu mind. A mind that wants to control the minorities, liberals, feminists, subalterns, Dalits, adivasis, Dravidians, Rahul Gandhi, NDTV and Sonu’s dad.

My detailed psychoanalysis of ISRO has exposed their agenda and their plans to force their majoritarian beliefs on millions of Indians. I call upon all Right right minded Indians to assemble at Jantar Mantar on 31st June at 10 AM to protest against ISRO and its patriarchal and majoritarian project to take over India.

If you still haven’t realised this is a satirical piece, please get introduced to humour.